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Stefano Cagol


1 November – 31 December 2015


Stefano Cagol is an Italian-born artist. He participated in 55th Venice Biennale (Maldives National Pavilion), 2nd Xinjiang Biennale, 1st Singapore Biennale and presented his works and actions at Kunstmuseum Bochum, ZKM Karlsruhe, Folkwang Museum, Maxxi in Rome, Museion in Bozen, Laznia in Gdansk, Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam, Kunstraum Innsbruck, MARTa Herford, among others. He is the recipient of the Terna 02 Prize for Contemporary Art, Rome, and of the VISIT #10 of the RWE Foundation, Essen.

During his Artist Residency at MOMENTUM, the brand new venue CLB Collaboratorium Berlin will devote its first exhibition to Stefano Cagol. For his first solo show in Berlin he will present “The Body of Energy (of the mind)”, a year-long project the artist has developed as a European expedition on search for signs of energy, both physical and cultural energy, triggering a reflection on what is not visible, on resources, on relations.

Stefano Cagol states “Symbols, metaphors, current topics, immediateness, stimulating, communicating, openness, multiple points of view. These are the key words to my relationship with the public. It couldn’t be any other way. The artwork is an opportunity to better understand our own time and future. It’s a sort of mission. In my account art is never closed in itself.”


“The Body of Energy (of the mind)” at CLB Berlin

Opening 6 November @ 7:00pm

Exhibition 7 November – 12 December 2015

The exhibition at CLB Collaboratorium Berlin opening on 6 November features the launch of the book “The Body of Energy (of the mind)” by Stefano Cagol, produced by Revolver Publishing.

Supported by VISIT Programme of the RWE Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft gGmbH, the exhibition “The Body of Energy (of the mind)” at CLB Collaboratorium Berlin and the MOMENTUM Residency is the culmination of a year-long project the artist has developed as a European expedition from Norway to Gibraltar on search for signs of energy, both physical and cultural energy, triggering a reflection on what is not visible, on resources, on relations. The show spans from the experience of the travelling project, through video, photo and installation, to new artworks created in Berlin.

Stefano Cagol states “Symbols, metaphors, current topics, immediateness, stimulating, communicating, openness, multiple points of view. These are the key words to my relationship with the public. It couldn’t be any other way. The artwork is an opportunity to better understand our own time and future. It’s a sort of mission. In my account art is never closed in itself.”

During the travelling project the artist enacted his symbolic survey of energy using an infrared camera and involving the public, the architecture and the environment. Involved institutions that hosted the project from October 2014 to March 2015 are, among others, Bergen Kunsthall Landmark, Bergen (NO); Museo MA*GA, Gallarate (IT); Museum Folkwang, Essen (DE); Listen to the Sirenes, Gibraltar (UK); Madre, Naples (IT); MAXXI, Rome (IT); Museion, Bozen (IT); Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen (CH); ZKM, Karlsruhe (DE); Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice (IT).


MOMENTUM InsideOut at Bar Babette Presents:



Stefano Cagol’s residency is generously supported by the VISIT programme of RWE Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft gGmbH. Stefano Cagol is recipient of VISIT #10.





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